Vocational specialisations at the Institute for Vocational Studies in the Building Trade
The vocational specialisations at the Institute for Vocational Studies in the Building Trade are predominantly related to training in building trade occupations.
The degree programmes
are interdisciplinary and consist of the study of a vocational subject, a general education subject, vocational and business education and the professionalisation area. The successful Master's degree entitles the holder to enter the second phase of teacher training in the teacher traineeship.
nstitute for Vocational Studies in the Building Trade is responsible for the three vocational specializations of construction technology, coating technology and interior design as well as wood technology at the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences.
These pages primarily contain the special information about the teaching of study components of these vocational specialisations. The degree programmes are taught in German.
If you have questions related to the structure and development of the degree programmes for the Lehramtes an berufsbildenden Schulen at the Leibniz University Hannover, refer to the Leibniz School of Education.
Examination regulations, forms and applications can be found at the pages of the Academic Examination Office.